10 Signs That Your Manifestation Is Close

A huge part of the law of attraction and manifestation is being patient and allowing the universe to bring us what we ask for.

Yet if you’re ever tried using the Law of Attraction to attract anything, you probably already know that manifestation seldom happens overnight.

And we all know how difficult it can be to just sit back and wait. Indeed, it’s hard to even go a day without thinking about our manifestation goals.

This may cause us to start feeling doubt and anxiety and we may even start wondering whether any of this Law of Attraction stuff is even real.

This will invariably lead us to look for signs to reassure ourselves that what we want is indeed on its way.

And the good news is that when the universe is in the process of manifesting something, it will show it in the form of manifestation signs.

Pay attention to these signs and they will help fortify your faith and bring you peace of mind, giving you ultimate reassurance that what you want is indeed on its way.

In this post, I will list out some of the most common manifestation signs from the universe that apply to all forms of manifestation with the Law of Attraction.

By learning to recognize these signs in your life, you’ll be able to tell whether or not you’re on the right track.

You’ll also be able to put yourself at ease much more easily which in turn will put you in a much better frame of mind to manifest successfully.

Manifestation Signs You Should Look Out For

Manifestation Sign 1: A Gut Feeling

Every person in the world is born with an innate sense of intuition. This intuition is stronger for some people while less pronounced in others, however, it is present in every person in the world, including you.

Usually, when the universe is about to deliver something to you, it is first preceded by a strong feeling in your gut that a huge change is about to take place in your life.

This feeling will be present no matter what you’re trying to attract, although it is usually more noticeable with bigger goals and can be harder to notice with smaller goals.

Nevertheless, if you pay conscious attention, you’ll always be able to feel it regardless of how faint or subtle it is.

This feeling can be described as a deep knowing that what you’ve asked the universe for is just right around the corner.

It’s hard to describe exactly what this feeling feels like, but it’s akin to a mix of anticipation, excitement, and a sense of sureness that you’ll get what you want.

Spend some time to introspect and pay to attention your feelings, if you manage to find this gut feeling then it will be unmistakable.

Once you’ve consciously felt this feeling, everything else in your mental state will pretty much fall into place on its own.

You’ll start feeling as if it’s your very destiny to get what you’re trying to attract.

Which actually increases the likelihood of successfully attracting it.

Manifestation Sign 2: The Numbers 1111

There are a few numbers that stand out in the world and carry with them much symbolic meaning and power. These are sometimes used in Law of Attraction techniques such as in the case of the 55×5 Technique.

When you see these special numbers frequently, the reason is often beyond mere coincidence.

In regards to signs from the universe, the numbers 1111 signifies great change coming your way. If you see these numbers a lot in your life, then expect something major to manifest for you soon.

It doesn’t matter where you see them, whether it’s on your watch, your calendar, your phone, or on the TV.

That being said, there’s no need to be actively looking out for these numbers.

However, if you keep seeing this number repeatedly, especially in unexpected places such as signboards, then you can be certain that the universe is trying to tell you something.

Manifestation Sign 3: Highly vivid dreams

Dreams are the gateway to the soul or more specifically the gateway to your innermost thoughts and beliefs.

Not all dreams carry significance, most of the time they are just your subconscious mind’s way of processing your thoughts and the events of your daily life.

But every so often, you’ll get a dream that’s extra vivid, a dream so detailed that it is almost indistinguishable from real life.

These dreams could very well be the universe’s attempt to communicate with you, especially if they occur frequently and are about the object of your desire.

If you have these dreams as frequently as twice a week, then this is a definite sign from the universe that what you want is on its way.

NOTE: Pay attention to the nature of the dreams, if they’re nightmares or negative, the best thing to do would be to simply ignore them. Signs from the universe are almost always positive, and negative dreams are most likely simply your subconscious mind expressing itself.

Manifestation Sign 4: Letting go of the old

To let in the new, you must first let go of the old.

This is the natural flow of the universe and life, and it applies to all things including The Law of Attraction.

When you start attracting new energy that will bring about what you want, things, situations, and people that are holding you back from your goal may start fading out of your life.

When this is accompanied by positive changes and new experiences, you can be sure that it’s a sign from the universe that manifestation obstacles are being cleared and that you’re getting closer to your goal.

For example, say your goal is to attract the love that you deserve, a possible sign of your wish coming true is the disappearance of old contacts or ex-lovers who are preventing you from moving on.

This process may be difficult for some, the best way to react to this is to have absolute faith in the universe and believe that everything will work out in the end.

If you’re able to, you can also go one step further and get rid of any items/mementos that are keeping you in the past. This will really speed up the manifestation process.

Take it slow, one step at a time. Learn how to detach and trust the universe with all your heart.

Manifestation Sign 5: You’re actively looking out for the arrival of your desired outcome

If you’ve noticed yourself actively looking out for signs of your manifestation more often than usual, then this in itself could very well mean that what you want to manifest is close by.

As your desired outcome approaches, you will start realizing it at a subconscious level. And this is often expressed as a desire to look for signs.

Your subconscious is almost a thousand times more perceptive than your conscious mind and is able to detect even the faintest signals from the universe.

Your subconscious then communicates what it knows with you by giving you an inclination to pay more attention to your circumstances than you normally would.

One thing to note however is to make sure you’re not looking for these signs from a place of doubt, remember if you’re seeking them just to reassure yourself then you need to work on yourself and your beliefs first.

If they are indeed signals from the universe then you’ll be looking from a place of curiosity and anticipation more than anything.

It’ll be something like a kid looking out the window for the ice cream man or the anticipation of waiting for a text message from someone who likes you a lot.

Manifestation Sign 6: Things might get worse for a little while

Expanding a little on what I’ve written above, for a short while before things get better, it can appear as if your life is starting to take a turn for the worse.

A rainbow often appears after a storm, sometimes it’s the same with the Law of Attraction.

You might find situations going wrong and feel like you have seemingly worse luck than usual. Don’t worry though, for it could simply be the universe doing its part in giving you what you ask it for.

It is important not to panic when this happens, as long as you do all the necessary steps to manifest properly, chances are that it’s just the universe making the necessary adjustments in your circumstances in order to accommodate your new reality.

Still, this doesn’t always happen only sometimes, especially if what you’re trying to manifest is big.

With that being said, it’s actually a good practice to look at the troubles you face in life as blessings anyway. Doing so would actually turn them into blessings and help tremendously in attracting what you want.

How to feel your manifestation

Manifestation Sign 7: Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a term first used by influential psychologist, Carl Jung, to describes seemingly unrelated events that occur coincidentally with one another.

Truth is there is no such thing as coincidence, every event in life has a cause somewhere which caused it to occur in the first place.

To find the true root cause of any event is beyond the perception of the human mind though, so we attribute the many occurrences of our lives to coincidence.

If you notice an increase of convenient “coincidences” in your life, then it could very well be the universe’s way of showing you that what you ask it for is manifesting in reality.

For example, say your goal is to attract more wealth and after setting that goal, you find a dollar note on the floor or you come back to find your partner suddenly talking about making more money, these are all subtle signs from the universe.

To the uninitiated, these may appear as coincidence but to those who know better, this is synchronicity in action

Manifestation Sign 8: Strange Conversations

Pay attention to the conversations around you. Have the people you usually talk to acted in a different manner or said anything out of the ordinary? Remember as your life changes to accommodate the vibrations you put out, your circumstances would to and this often includes the conversations that you have.

Watch what the people around you say, sometimes the words they say could foreshadow a big change in your life.

Now there’s no need to get paranoid and start observing the words around you like a hawk but if you ever have a conservation that’s completely out of the ordinary then it could really mean something.

Manifestation Sign 9: You’ll have a strong inclination to do something

Sometimes before a large manifestation takes place, there will be specific actions you have to take in order to facilitate the manifestation process. These actions are also commonly known as inspired actions.

These actions are divinely inspired by the universe and perceived by your intuition, carrying them out will enact a major shift in your reality so that bringing about what you want becomes more possible.

Unlike most other actions that we take in life, you will have a very strong desire to carry it out. This action can be something as simple as a desire to call a specific person or to go to a certain place.

Have you heard of people meeting their soulmates at the most unexpected of places? Not only have I seen it happen with my friends, but the same thing has also happened to me.

One fine day, for no reason at all, I felt a huge pull to go to a certain train station that I didn’t usually go to. Turned out that this would be the place where I met my soulmate.

So, when it comes to this action, don’t worry too much about whether it makes sense. As long as you have a strong gut feeling that it’s the right thing to do, then go ahead and do it.

Manifestation Sign 10: Increased Faith and Hope.

If you ever find yourself suddenly feeling much more hopeful in getting what you want then it could be an indicator that the universe is working hard to bring about your desired outcome.

This increase in hope and faith can happen gradually or it can be sudden, like waking up one day and feeling better than you’ve ever felt before.

Also, little things that previously bothered or made you feel doubt, will start to affect you far less.

Here’s an example from my own life

Back in the day, one of my biggest hobbies was playing video games competitively.

However there came a point where I plateaued in my skills and it seemed like no matter how much I practiced, I couldn’t get any better.

At that time, I really wanted to join the yearly tournaments that were held in my city but seeing as how I couldn’t improve, it simply felt impossible.

So, I turned to the Law of Attraction, I did all the necessary things to put myself in the right mindset, I’d visualize my winning the tournament every night.

For the first few weeks nothing much happened, I didn’t even play much. But one day, I woke up feeling like the best gamer in the world, as if a switch inside me was turned on.

All the feelings of despair that I had simply vanished and I knew instantly that this was a sign that I would enter and win that year’s tournament.

And guess what, I did.

It was just a small tournament in my town so it wasn’t anything that big of a deal but I got exactly what I asked the universe for.

Summing it up

These are some of the signs that show manifestation is close and can help you tell whether or not you are on the right path in attracting your goals.

If you see a few of these signs frequently in your life, then start getting excited, for what you want is about to be yours pretty soon.

Remember there’s no need to take these signs too seriously, use them as a source of inspiration but don’t obsess over them.

In the end, what matters the most, no matter what it is you’re trying to manifest is your fundamentals. Your beliefs, your thoughts, your habits, all that stuff.

Focus on working on yourself, visualize and use affirmations. Make it your goal to put out the best vibrations to the universe that you can and you’re all set.

4 thoughts on “10 Signs That Your Manifestation Is Close”

  1. I have been trying to Manifest a house for some time, but reading all the books, it
    wasn’t until I started reading Neville Goddard’s works, that I started seeing signs
    and feeling “it” real. I am very nature oriented and have been seeing birds,
    especially “Hummingbirds” fly right up to my face outside, and sometimes
    right up to my window, depending where I am , inside .. I see 8’s especially
    almost constantly Now !!! 555’s 7’s 222’s and last night 333 is when I awoke
    in a cold sweat…..6’s intermixed, with these as well. Yesterday, for NO reason
    we received a notice of eviction ( never late with rent or anything else) ; I’m
    still in shock, but somehow a weird calmness , I’m also feeling…..Can you
    help me …….Is better that I’ve been working on internally finally coming,
    or am I losing it !!!??? Please respond as soon as possible I need some
    reassurance, as I do feel alignment shifting and lining up and my ears
    keep ringing on and off Thank You !!!!******Abby ( Pisces gal) **********

    • Hey Abby, there are times when signs can appear negative and scary such as in your case, but they’re actually just a part of the universe making major shifts in your life. If your reaction to these signs are feelings of calmness as you mentioned, then you can be sure that you’re on the right path. Don’t worry, you’re not losing it, have faith, stay positive, and continue feeling “it” real as you’ve done before.

  2. I have been trying to manifest specific person for about 3 months. For 2 month I do see 111,1111,222 continuously and I keep seeing and hearing specific person’s name Everywhere for a month my little wishes are fullfilled continuously but when will my manifestation come into reality please do reply sir I’m feeling scared ????

    • Hello, with all the signs you’re seeing like the numbers and little wishes being fulfilled, it sounds like your manifestation is indeed on the way, but your feeling scared or anxious may be blocking it from coming.

      The best thing you can do right is to simply let go and place your focus on other things, and allow the universe to bring it to you. The more you’re able to relax, the faster it’ll come. Good luck.


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