How To Manifest A Text Message Using The Law Of Attraction

Sometimes receiving a single text message is all it takes to put a big smile on our faces and brighten the rest of our day.

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can use the law of attraction to manifest a text then you’re in for some good news.

Through the law of attraction you’ll be able to manifest not just any text but the exact text that you want, from the person that you want it from.

Whether that specific person is a crush, an ex, or simply someone you long to hear from, it’s all possible.

You’d be glad to know that not only is it possible, but as far as manifestation is concerned it’s actually pretty straightforward.

You see, everything that you attract into your life is a result of your most dominant emotions and thoughts.

With text messages, there’s no difference. Focus your mind on manifesting it and the universe will have no choice but to grant you your wish.

It doesn’t matter who you want the text to be from and what you want it to be about, the universe can bend reality to make your wish a reality. 

In this post, I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do to manifest the text messages that you want to receive, from the person you want to receive them from.

Follow the guidelines below as best as you can and you should seeing some great results pretty quickly.

Feel the Text into Existence

When it comes to manifesting texts, messages, emails, or anything of that nature, one of the most important factors is your vibrational state.

Your vibrational state is ultimately made up of your most dominant thoughts, emotions and feelings.

And the most important thing you can do is to make a conscious effort to steer your mind towards thoughts and feelings of warmth, abundance and connection.

Once you’ve made the choice to control your thoughts, it won’t matter if you slip up occasionally or catch yourself thinking and feeling negatively from time to time.

Subconsciously, you will start thinking and feeling the thoughts and emotions needed to manifest what you want.

Say you want a message from your ex, for example, you’d want to make sure your thoughts are those of romantic happiness and satisfaction while avoiding feelings of desperation and need.

This is the very first thing that you have to take care of before moving on to actively trying to manifest the text.

1. Know What You Want

Now the next thing that you need to do is to find out the reason behind wanting to manifest the text.

This reason can be anything, whether it’s to reattract an ex, to hear from an estranged friend or even just getting to know someone.

Any reason is valid, the universe is not a judge and will respond positively as long as you believe strongly enough in your reason.

You have to know why you want it as well as what you hope to achieve from the text.

Once you’ve figured that out, you need to and be committed to manifesting it.

Remember the clearer your reason and the more you believe in it, the faster and more likely you’ll successfully manifest. 


2: Stop Blocking The Universe

Are you blocking yourself from receiving what you want from the universe? You probably are without realizing it.

The main obstacle that can greatly hinder the flow of abundance from the universe into your life are feelings of desperation and neediness.

While it’s alright to want the thing you’re trying to manifest, you can’t need it.

When you need something badly, you end up sending vibrations of lack to the universe, which pushes it further away from you.

So even if you really want that text, you have to keep these feelings under control.

And the best way to do that is to keep yourself distracted and to have faith in the universe.

Instead of waiting anxiously waiting by your phone, keep yourself busy and productive.

Have faith and know that the universe will provide.

Eliminating certain habits such as constantly checking your phone for the message you want is or talking too much about what you’re trying to manifest can also be really helpful.

3: Overcome Limiting Beliefs

You may not be aware of it, but deep down inside you may believe that it’s impossible to get the text that you want.

Perhaps you think that they’ve lost interest, that they’re angry with you, or that they simply have no reason to message you.

Whether these reasons are true or not doesn’t matter, what matters the most is that you believe that it’s possible.

You see, through the Law of Attraction, you can manifest almost anything that you want into existence.

What you attract and manifest is a direct reflection of your mind and inner world.

And once you’ve fixed your inner world, your external circumstances will inevitably follow.

In the end, your external reality will always bend towards reflecting your most dominant thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Realize that you are a creator with immense power over the circumstances of your life.

It doesn’t matter how things appear now, even if they appear completely hopeless, your circumstances will start improving and changing for the better the very moment you decide to change your beliefs.

Find out if you have limiting beliefs that may be stopping you from manifesting and let go of these beliefs.

4: Visualize The Text Happening

Now the first thing that we’re going to be doing is a special technique that’s a combination of visualization, imagination and willpower.

This is basically a meditation and visualization exercise with a little twist that works excellently for manifesting text messages.

It may seem silly at first, but trust me, if you do it properly, it will get you your desired results.

Now, you won’t be closing your eyes or lying down when you perform this technique, instead what you’re going to do is to take your phone and imagine on your phone screen itself as if it were some sort of canvas.

  1. Take your phone and open the app where you want to receive the text.
  2. Now on your phone screen, visualize exactly how you want the text to be. Go into detail with the words that’ll be used, the emojis, the replies, and the entire mood of the conversation.
  3. Feel as if it’s already happening, really allow yourself to start feeling as if it’s already happening. Make the feelings the excitement and joy as realistic as you can. Do this for around 5 minutes.
  4. Now close your eyes and visualize the person whom you want to receive a text from, texting you. Imagine them being happy and enthusiastic about it.
  5. Now visualize the message again and really try to imagine it in as much detail as possible
  6. Let go and try your best not to think about it anymore. Go about your day. Let it go with complete assurance that the universe will deliver.
  7. Finally, say a silent thanks to the universe for allowing all your desires to be met.

This exercise may appear simple but is actually very powerful.

In fact, if you use this technique persistently, you’ll be able to go beyond attracting a text.

You’ll actually start drawing the person whom you’re texting into your life.

When you perform this exercise, a shift in consciousness takes place in your being and soon enough, the universe will have no choice but to manifest the text in reality.

Now once you’ve done the exercise a few times with your phone and have gotten familiar with it, you can move on to simply doing the exercise in your mind.

Keep doing this exercise until you get the text, it should only take a few days, if you follow the rest of the guidelines below.

5: Let Go and Receive

Now, this is big, after doing the visualization exercise above you must make it a point to let it go.

In fact, when it comes to manifesting anything at all, the more you’re able to let go, the faster you will receive.

This has always been the case for myself and the many people that I’ve coached.

I know more than anyone how hard it can be to force yourself to let go and detach so the best way is to find something to occupy your mind.

It can be your work, hobby, entertainment, really anything at all. So long as it gets your mind and eyes off your phone.

Let the universe do its work uninterrupted so that it can bring you what you want.

The more you’re able to let go, the less you’ll interfere with the entire process.

This brings me to my next point, thinking about that person.


6: Be okay with not getting a text immediately

Okay, this one may sound strange, but by being okay with not getting your text, you’ll be much more likely to attract it.

This is because when you need something too much, you’ll only end up repelling it.

I know, I know, that feeling of being left on read is a horrible feeling, but in a twist of irony, being able to accept that is one thing that will allow you to manifest the exact type of texts that you want.

Why would any of us want to attract a text in the first place? Usually to feel a sense of assurance, hope, or appreciation.

If you can find a way to distract yourself and get yourself to feel those emotions regardless of whether or not you receive the texts that you want, the whole process will be a hundred times easier.

And one of the very best ways to accomplish this is by using affirmations.

Now, there are countless affirmations out there for this purpose so to save you the effort of finding the best ones, I’ve narrowed it down to these four.

  1. I am already complete in every way, I feel at peace no matter what.
  2. The universe brings me all that I want in waves and avalanches of abundance.
  3. I am happy and full of hope at this very moment and always.
  4. I accept all of myself wholeheartedly at this very moment.

Repeat these affirmations often enough and you’ll start being able to feel happy and alright no matter what goes on around you and this will be reflected in all the texts that you receive.

Can You Manifest a Text From Your Ex?

Yes you absolutely can, in fact, this is the most common reason people use the law of attraction for texts.

Many people I know have done it and gone on to rekindle a happy relationship with their ex.

Keep in mind, for texts from your ex, you need to place extra focus on making sure the texts are positive nature.

That means in the visualizations above, make sure that you visualize positive texts only.

What if they don’t have your number?

Here’s something absolutely mind blowing. It’s entirely possible to manifest a text even from someone who doesn’t have your number.

The ability of the universe to shift and adjust circumstances to make your wish possible is amazing.

One way or another the universe will make it work.

It doesn’t even need to be on your phone, the text could very well be sent on a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram,


Use the techniques and information that I’ve laid out here to manifest the text message that you want and when you do successfully manifest it, you’ll feel much better and it’ll serve as a stepping stone towards bigger goals.

Once you’re able to go beyond that, focus on manifesting the end goal, whether it’s a relationship, job offer, or business deal.

4 thoughts on “How To Manifest A Text Message Using The Law Of Attraction”

  1. Going to try the visualization stuff out, ive been trying to get my ex to message me back for quite some time now but so far nothing has worked. Maybe im not letting go enough as you said above. will definitely try being more relaxed about the whole thing and use ur techniques too. will let u kno w how it goes.


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